

As “the small NGO for a big cause”, Agrisud International works with the most vulnerable families to lift them out of poverty. Through the projects it implements, it trains and supports small-scale family farms (TPEs) in the sustainable development of their activities. For almost 30 years, Agrisud International has supported more than 70,000 small-scale family farms in 26 countries in Africa, Asia and South America. In Madagascar, Agrisud operates in the Itasy Region particularly where the malnutrition rate is high.

The project: The Foundation is supporting the deployment of an integrated approach in Madagascar, combining agriculture and nutrition to improve the daily nutrition of families.

Supported since 2017 by the Bel Foundation, Agrisud is implementing the second phase of an ambitious community project based on the LANN Method (Linking Agriculture, Natural resources management and Nutrition). By combining agricultural, food and nutritional objectives, the ambition of the NGO and the Foundation is to reduce malnutrition among nearly 1,000 families and over 4,000 children in a sustainable way.

Noting that increased agricultural incomes among families was not necessarily accompanied by a systematic improvement in their diet, the NGO carried out a household survey. Following this diagnosis, the NGO developed tools and offered support for agricultural production and nutrition awareness sessions to families in the region. Within households, mothers of “Volunteers in Nutrition” families then volunteered to share their learning and good food practices in their respective communities, thus ensuring the sustainability of the project’s achievements.

With the Foundation’s support in 2020, Agrisud continues to implement awareness-raising and support activities for families (cooking demonstrations, savings groups, training in food processing and preservation, etc.) while broadcasting the LANN method to new families in the region.