Created in 2013, AsaParisMada is a French association dedicated to ensuring the reintegration of the homeless in Madagascar. The association works in support of the actions implemented by the Malagasy association ASA. For more than 20 years, ASA has helped nearly 7,000 people, has created for them 28 villages and inaugurated 7 schools (2,000 children), a rural trades centre and 3 clinics.
Supported project: construction of a school canteen within the school in the village of Antanambao, Madagascar.
This project aims to offer a varied and balanced meal every day to each of the 191 children, aged 6 to 14.
Located in the Bongolava region, in the Highlands of Western Madagascar, the school of Antanambao’s village is managed by the Malagasy association ASA and has no school canteen building due to lack of funding. Every day meals are served to children in the classrooms by volunteer families.
The Foundation’s support has enabled the construction of a fitted kitchen and eating area, the extension of the vegetable garden and the planting of an orchard. These facilities have enabled the managed school to provide improved conditions for the preparation and distribution of meals to children.