

For 35 years, AVSF has been supporting the most vulnerable smallholder farming and livestock-raising families by developing sustainable solutions to fight food shortages.

Initiative supported: Building and equipping a small dairy cooperative within a small dairy cooperative network in Casamance, one of the poorest regions of Senegal.
Its purpose is to strengthen the dairy industry’s production, processing and sales capacities to help improve family incomes

The Bel Foundation is supporting this project for the second year in a row, thereby enabling AVSF to consolidate the network of small cooperative dairies.
The funding is earmarked for building and equipping new premises for one of the cooperatives to receive, store, pasteurize, and package milk. It will also be used to purchase a trike motorcycle to help collect and transport milk.

Social impact: 91 smallholder livestock-raising families will benefit from the project.