ESPERANZA is a solidarity association whose mission is to contribute to the fight against hunger. Operating in Madagascar since 1996, the association supports two nutritional centres and five school canteens that cater for over 3,500 children every day, facilitating their access to education, the first step towards sustainable and autonomous local development. The French association also runs the second-largest spirulina farm in Madagascar, enabling it to provide a nutritional supplement in these canteens and the same number of canteens run by partner associations. The association also supports two rural dispensaries that cater for the most vulnerable families. In 2022, the association is continuing its efforts to improve the diet and education of children in the centre of the country by opening the Ankadinondry-Sakay nutrition centre (80 children) and a school canteen in Bekopaka (175 children). It is also developing a programme of independent income-generating activities for families (microfinance, with 1,000 beneficiaries).
The Foundation’s support in 2022 will provide the means to setup a new nutrition centre, serving daily meals for children attending the adjacent literacy centre.
What are the project’s expected results?
In total, at least 80 pupils aged 3 to 13 will have access to one meal per day at the nutrition centre every day throughout the year.