

MADAVENIR is a French nonprofit association working in Madagascar to provide schooling for underprivileged children. From France, it provides assistance and financial support for the activities of the local association MNG-Ecole de la Chance, which has been operating in Madagascar for 22 years and runs 12 schools with 5,500 children and 500 adults learning to read and write on weekend afternoons. Madavenir and MNG operate in landlocked regions with a very complicated security situation. Their efforts to foster children’s education is essential: part-time schooling is seen by families as an “island of security”, helping to forge a better future and combat child labour. The Tamatave region is also regularly hit by natural disasters. Last April, the cyclone caused a great deal of damage, destroying the most fragile infrastructure of a “school of opportunity” in Tanambao Verrerie, a very poor district in the region.

The Foundation’s support in 2022 will provide the means to reconstruct school building and make it safe, so that disadvantaged children in the region can continue to go to school and receive a daily meal.

What are the project’s expected results?

In total, over 1,100 pupils aged 5 to 20 will have access to one meal per day throughout the school year.