Naturévolution is an NGO for the preservation of nature and international solidarity, which has been working since 2009 for the conservation of biodiversity and endangered natural habitats, and the development of communities that depend on them. In partnership with local actors, the NGO works towards social aid (education, health, food, waste management), economic aid (ecotourism, agroforestry, beekeeping), and environmental aid (biodiversity conservation, awareness, research). It works specifically in Madagascar and Indonesia, and also carries out awareness-raising activities throughout France by offering films, conferences and exhibitions.
Present in the Makay region since its creation, Naturévolution has helped to make this region a protected area since 2017. Increasingly affected by episodes of drought and famine, more and more groups of villagers are leaving the cities to settle in the region in search of farmland, contributing to the deforestation of the Makay forests and an increase in poaching. In this context, to ensure the preservation of this area and the food security of its inhabitants, Naturévolution works alongside local communities to sustainably improve both their living conditions and their environment.
The project supported in 2021: The Foundation is accompanying Naturevolution in the Makay region of Madagascar to build and equip 5 school canteens and to set up training sessions for cooks.
The association called on the Bel Foundation to finance the “Seeds of Change” program. Through this project, the association hopes to alleviate periods of food insecurity by creating school canteens. Thanks to the establishment of rice fields and “school gardens”, local communities are trained in new agro-ecological techniques. Community attics have also been set up to guarantee rice stocks throughout the year. Within the schools, the children benefit from the harvests of the vegetable and rice gardens, contributing to their education and development. The Foundation’s support allows Naturevolution to provide a daily meal to 500 school children in Makay.