In 2020, during the health crisis and the ensuing economic crisis, Secours populaire français recorded an explosion in requests for food aid, with new categories of French people falling into precarious situations.
The facts are alarming: Today, 1 child in 5 lives below the poverty line in France. During the first containment period (March to June 2020), almost 1.3 million people sought help from Secours populaire français, 45% of whom were previously unknown to the association. The closure of canteens during the first months of confinement considerably increased the food insecurity of some vulnerable families.
The project: The Bel Foundation wanted to support the work of Secours Populaire Français in distributing the massive amount of food aid it continues to provide.
This support from the Foundation will help to run the Secours populaire français network of outlets over the course of 2021, enabling them to develop simple, practical food aid initiatives for the benefit of families.
The association’s volunteers know that while food aid is essential for people in difficulty, it is not enough to restore their self-confidence. Secours populaire français takes a global approach to the problems of poverty, and wherever possible strives to put in place support initiatives that give priority to listening, contact and support in all areas.
It’s within this framework that cooking workshops and workshops to raise awareness of a balanced diet will be offered to the families welcomed at the centres, as well as the creation of solidarity gardens and visits to farms. In this way, each family and their children will be able to find the food aid they need, as well as meetings and activities based around food, all of which help to build social links.
SPF © Bruno Manno