Employee’s testimonies
Alexandra BERREBY, Sustainable & Inclusive Business Director has been also a member for 6 years of the Bel Foundation’s Project Selection Committee. Alexandra shared with us her experience as a member, how much it’s important for her to take part in, how it works, and much more…
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Aymard Léon Bogui Petey, Christophe Doussin, Kadiatou Huchet and Marie-France Maugard-Hadded work at Bel, in Ivory Coast in Abidjan and in France, in Sablé-sur-Sarthe and Suresnes. United by common values, they decided together to present a project to the Bel Foundation in favor of Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque.
“What a joy to see the good health and smile of this child.
We are happy and proud to have set up this projetc.”
Christophe DOUSSIN – Production Technician
“We have brought hope to a whole family.
It’s something you can’t quantify, you can’t measure but it gives you satisfaction.”
Aymard LEON BOGUI PETEY – Controller
Eléonore Payance and Clara Vidolov are working at Bel and volunteer for Un cadeau pour la vie association.

“Being committed in a Project makes us feel happy.
Happy to be committed to a cause or to feel useful for others.”
Eléonore PAYANCE – Innovation Controlling Manager
Their project: with the help of a painter, the two collaborators decorated and revived the paediatric resuscitation ward of the Armand-Trousseau Hospital in Paris. Eléonore and Clara mobilised several employees of their team to contribute to their project by helping out with the painting. It was a beautiful moment of sharing and conviviality for all!