SOS Sahel is an international NGO whose mission is to improve the food supply safety and living conditions of people who live in the heart of Africa.

Initiative supported: Developing the Nutrisco School Club educational program and self-sustaining school canteens in the north of Burkina Faso.
The goal is to get school kids involved in fighting malnutrition..

This nutrition program combines theory and practice. Addressing the daily challenges facing kids, the program is built around clubs of child volunteers who meet to learn about healthy eating habits and good hygiene, and who then transmit that knowledge to people of all ages in the village. At the same time, the program helps establish vegetable gardens to raise children’s awareness about how to grow food, while providing school canteens with a self-sustaining supply of fruits and vegetables.

Social impact: 650 children aged seven to 12 at four primary schools will benefit from the program



An international development NGO, Le Gret is involved in host of health, farming, water and other initiatives to deliver sustainable solutions for fair development..

Initiative supported: Deployment of the Allolafia project, started in 2016, to provide customized information and raise awareness about children’s health via mobile phone.

The Foundation agreed to support Le Gret for the second year in a row to help deploy and expand the Allolafia program to new families.
The program aims to provide parents of children under two with practical and useful health and nutritional information adapted to their needs via text or voice messages sent to their cell phones each week. Dietary information about infants and young children is texted on a regular basis. The remotely available information is able to reach people who live far from healthcare services and are therefore the most vulnerable to malnutrition.

Social impact: In 2016, the mobile subscription services of 4,400 enrolled families were continued for free for the second year in a row, with 2,000 new families signed up.



International NGO L’Appel works on behalf of children’s health.
The charity developed a nutrition educational method called Nutricartes® to fight child malnutrition. Presented as card game, Nutricartes® is a fun and interactive way to learn. The method is clear, simple and easy to implement.

Initiative supported: Deployment of the Nutricartes method in six countries with high malnutrition rates.

The Foundation’s support helped deploy the program in six countries. The program aims to teach mothers how to prepare varied and balanced meals adapted to the nutritional needs of their young children, based on locally available food and financial resources. The idea is to encourage and support active family participation in the fight against child malnutrition.
An independent audit of the method and its outcomes will be carried out at the end of the two-year program.

Social impact: 15,000 mothers trained and made aware.
An international development NGO, Le Gret is involved in host of health, farming, water and other initiatives to deliver sustainable solutions for fair development..



French charity Envol has been assisting seriously ill children and their families for 20 years, offering specially designed recreational stays to help them recover.
A wide range of individual and team sports and cultural events are offered during the stays.
Through shared experiences, games and fun, children regain their confidence and discover capabilities they never knew they had, which can then be applied in their daily lives.

Initiative supported: Cooking workshops for children for all stays from July to November 2017.

Through its support, the Foundation helped 240 sick children and teens discover the joys of cooking and a balanced diet in small groups.
Eight hours of cooking workshops, assisted by volunteers, were held for each stay to bring enjoyment to the children through tasty and creative recipes.

Social impact: 240 sick children were able to entertain themselves, discover the joys of cooking and recover their taste for eating well.

In all, 560 hours of cooking were provided to the children over a period of six stays from July to November 2017.



For 25 years, Agrisud has worked to bring impoverished people back into the economy by helping them to start small family farms that are agro-ecological and well anchored in local markets.

Initiative supported: Implementation of an integrated approach that combines farming and nutrition to improve the daily diets of families in Madagascar.

With the backing of the Foundation, Agrisud aims to significantly scale up its initiative by seeding it among the target population.
Agrisud has observed that assisted populations often have persistently high rates of malnutrition despite economic improvement in their lives. Complementing its activities to develop farming, and in partnership with the Madagascan Regional Nutrition Office, the initiative includes activities to raise awareness about nutrition derived from the LANN (Linking Agriculture, Natural Resource Management and Nutrition) approach. In particular, a nutritional guide has been prepared to provide the necessary guidance for making effective assessments, raising awareness and providing customized training to durably improve nutrition for families.

Social impact: Nearly 1,000 beneficiary women and 4,000 children in a very impoverished area, where the rate of chronic malnutrition for children under five is 62%.



French non-profit, Mitsiky has been operating an orphanage for street children in Madagascar for over 11 years. The center feeds, houses and schools children up until they begin their professional lives.

The goal is to provide the children with balanced meals prepared under appropriate sanitary conditions.

The Foundation’s support will be used to build a 60-square-meter canteen where meals can be served to more than 80 people. The premises will be designed to provide a more effective meal service, with better hygiene and improved supply. The funding will also be used to set up a dedicated space for children’s activities.

Social impact: 38 street children aged six to 18 who use the center daily will benefit from these infrastructure improvements.

SOS Enfants


The French charity SOS Enfants has been deploying educational, training and healthcare development programs in Africa, Haiti and Nepal for over 35 years. SOS Enfants also provides disaster relief.

Initiative supported: Rebuilding a school canteen following the 2010 earthquake in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
The aim is to provide students at the St Alphonse school with a daily hot meal.

Following the earthquake, which destroyed two-thirds of the school, the establishment has since been rebuilt, with the backing of a variety of supporters. But it still lacks a dedicated building for meals.
The Foundation’s donation will fund the construction of the school canteen’s kitchen as well as the renovation and security of the children’s mess hall.

Social impact: 650 primary-to-high-school children will benefit from the new infrastructures and will receive meals several times a week.

Vivre ensemble – La pouponnière de Mbour


French non-profit Vivre Ensemble – La Pouponnière de Mbour is a short-stay orphanage, active for over 15 years, that seeks to place children up to 16 years of age with families.

Initiative supported: Renovating and equipping two kitchens in an orphanage located south of Dakar, Senegal.
The purpose is to improve sanitary conditions and ensure meal preparation for children, while improving the working conditions of the cooks.

The Foundation’s funding will cover the cost of the work and outfitting of both kitchens:
– The first kitchen, reserved for children under four, will have baby feeding area set aside for preparing bottles, purees and porridge.
– The second “Family Units and Older Children” kitchen will prepare meals for children aged two to 18.

Social impact: 158 children under 16, including 100 children under two, will benefit from this initiative, as well as the 135 employees who work at the center.

L’ile aux enfants


The charitable L’île aux Enfants school has been supporting development, healthcare and educational initiatives in a poor neighborhood in Tananarive, Madagascar, for over six years now.

Initiative supported: Renovating a canteen and planting a vegetable garden at a school in Tananarive, Madagascar.
The goal is to improve the school’s self-sufficiency in food, provide greater dietary variety at mealtimes and raise children’s awareness about good nutrition.

In 2012, the Bel Foundation funded the construction of a school canteen at the charity school.
The 2017 donation will fund the five-year-old canteen’s renovation and re-equipping, as well as the planting of a 150-meter vegetable garden. The vegetable garden will help provide a daily meal and two snacks for each child, while raising their awareness.

Social impact: 210 children aged thee to 12 are expected to benefit from these improvements.



The main mission of Ados (Ardeche, Drome, Ourosogui, Senegal), an international NGO, is to contribute to local development in Senegal by improving Senegalese life and encouraging professional and educational exchanges between France and Senegal.

Initiative supported: Developing market gardens to increase the daily household rations of fresh vegetables in Senegal.
The aim is to fight malnutrition in rural families.

The donation from the Foundation will be used to strengthen three fruit and vegetable gardens (five hectares in all) managed by women:
– Improving garden productivity by teaching growing techniques to women and outfitting school water wells with solar-powered pumps,
– Enhancing the women’s managerial abilities and nutritional knowledge,
– Selling surplus produce to improve household living standards.

Social impact: 1,600 students will benefit from the initiative, along with 464 rural women, who will be trained.

African Conservation TRUST


The African Conservation Trust (ACT) is an international non-profit active in Africa since 2000. It works to ensure safe food supplies and preserve biodiversity. In particular, ACT has been actively planting food gardens over the past 10 years.

Initiative supported: Planting agro-ecological gardens at daycare centers and schools in South Africa.
The aim is to improve safe food supply and reduce infant malnutrition.

The initiative involves planting 225 square meters of agro-ecological gardens, recovering rainwater, using indigenous seeds, and making compost to improve harvest yields, while minimizing the environmental impact. ACT also plans to train teachers at the schools and daycare centers in agro-ecology, to ensure the gardens’ sustainability.

Social impact: 2,200 children under 17 will be the beneficiaries, along with training for 1,084 school staff members and 10 teachers.



International NGO Adesaf (Association pour le Développement Economique et Social en Afrique) encourages the creation of revenue-generating activities by and for the world’s most vulnerable people. Its projects are primarily aimed at securing food supplies, improving school conditions and ensuring access to drinking water for those populations..

Initiative supported: Raising awareness among middle school students in Boko, Republic of Congo, via an educational vegetable garden. The aim of the program is to fight infant malnutrition through awareness raising and giving teachers, parents and students access to a healthy and varied diet.

The Foundation’s support will enable Adesaf to finance a 225-square meter, educational vegetable garden, as well as sessions to teach people how to work the land, sow seed, and maintain and harvest the produce. It will also fund the creation of a program to raise students’ nutrition awareness with cooking workshops that use the harvested vegetables, and entertaining, food-themed games.

Social impact: 150 middle school students and their parents will be made informed of nutrition issues, and 10 school personnel will be trained in vegetable gardening.



A Senegalese charity founded by an team of young and actively engaged local doctors, Agora seeks to durably improve human health in Senegalese communities by focusing on maternal and infant care, prevention, and care for the chronically ill.

Initiative supported: Early screening for malnutrition and care for malnutrition cases at a nutrition rehab center in Senegal.
The goal is to reduce infant malnutrition in Senegal’s Saint Louis region.

The donation from the Bel Foundation will help train mothers and grand mothers to screen their children for malnutrition and to care for confirmed malnutrition cases, if necessary. It will fund weekly checkups for children, nutrition workshops and efforts to promote the consumption of micronutrients.
Social impact: 11,000 children under five in Senegal’s Saint Louis region are targeted by this initiative.

Impact social : 11 000 enfants âgés de moins de 5 ans sont ciblés dans la région de Saint Louis du Sénégal.



SOS Sahel is an international NGO whose mission is to improve the food supply safety and living conditions of people who live in the heart of Africa.

Initiative supported: Developing the Nutrisco School Club educational program and self-sustaining school canteens in the north of Burkina Faso.
The goal is to get school kids involved in fighting malnutrition..

This nutrition program combines theory and practice. Addressing the daily challenges facing kids, the program is built around clubs of child volunteers who meet to learn about healthy eating habits and good hygiene, and who then transmit that knowledge to people of all ages in the village. At the same time, the program helps establish vegetable gardens to raise children’s awareness about how to grow food, while providing school canteens with a self-sustaining supply of fruits and vegetables.

Social impact: 650 children aged seven to 12 at four primary schools will benefit from the program



For 35 years, AVSF has been supporting the most vulnerable smallholder farming and livestock-raising families by developing sustainable solutions to fight food shortages.

Initiative supported: Building and equipping a small dairy cooperative within a small dairy cooperative network in Casamance, one of the poorest regions of Senegal.
Its purpose is to strengthen the dairy industry’s production, processing and sales capacities to help improve family incomes

The Bel Foundation is supporting this project for the second year in a row, thereby enabling AVSF to consolidate the network of small cooperative dairies.
The funding is earmarked for building and equipping new premises for one of the cooperatives to receive, store, pasteurize, and package milk. It will also be used to purchase a trike motorcycle to help collect and transport milk.

Social impact: 91 smallholder livestock-raising families will benefit from the project.

Institut Pasteur de Lille – Fondation Pileje


The private Institut Pasteur de Lille foundation is a recognized public-interest organization dedicated to medical research and preventive health initiatives. The Pileje Foundation promotes good nutrition and health among the general public.

Initiative supported: Deployment of the “Nutrissimo Junior” nutrition education program targeted at everyone involved in France’s education system, including kids, parents, teachers, and school support staff. The aim is to raise awareness about a healthy diet among school kids..

Since 2014, the Institut Pasteur de Lille, the Pileje Corporate Foundation and the Bel Foundation have teamed up to deploy this program in France.

The program raises awareness among various audiences about adopting new eating behaviors through conferences with kids and parents, interactive workshops, the Nutrissimo Junior board game, and training for school support staff and cooks.
In partnership with French charity Unis Cité and the Bel Foundation, the Institut Pasteur de Lille and the Pileje Foundation will also deploy the program in four cities targeted by the Unis Cité initiative, including Grande-Synthe, Mazingarbe, Bully-les-Mines, and Dunkirk.

Social impact: Some 600 children in 20 new cities will benefit from this program in 2018.



Unis-Cité, France’s pioneering civic service nonprofit, offers youths the chance to get involved in public interest missions in France.

Initiative supported: Deployment of the “Les Vitaminés” civic service program in the Haut de France region of France.
The program encourages children to adopt a healthy diet and a physically active lifestyle to avoid becoming overweight and obese.

Funding from the Foundation will help to continue the program for a second year, furthering it in Grande-Synthe, Mazingarbe and Bully-les-Mines, and extending it in Dunkirk, in priority neighborhoods.

The mission of the 28 Civic Service Volunteers dispatched in 2018 is to reach out to children and their families in a positive, fun and shared way, to get them involved in managing their health.
Efforts led by young “Vitaminés” teams include fun after-school snack times, entertainment, and educational events at the school canteen, physical exercise on Wednesdays, and individual support for volunteer families. The goal is to build lasting ties with participating children and parents to get them to progressively change behaviors.

Social impact: Goal is to raise awareness among an additional 1,200 kids, aged six to 11, and to train 28 Civic Service volunteers, ages 18 to 25.