Action Education is an international solidarity organization for development through education. Action Education is present in 19 countries in Africa, Asia and Europe. Through nearly 80 projects, Action Education and its partners contribute to improving access to and quality of education worldwide. The NGO works for a world where dignity is guaranteed for all, thanks to education, the lever for human development.
Project supported : setting up a school canteen for the Tilbonindouo school in Côte d’Ivoire.
After a first project launched in 2018 in Burkina Faso and co-financed by the Orange Foundation, the Bel and Orange Foundations have decided to support, this year, Action Education in the Ivory Coast: the aim of this new project is to offer better living conditions, to the inhabitants of the village of Tilbonindouo. The Bel Foundation’s support will enable the school’s pupils to have access to quality food, by setting up a school canteen, a vegetable garden and training in market gardening techniques.
This project benefits 150 pupils.