Helen Keller International, a humanitarian organization, works to combat blindness and malnutrition in some 20 countries in Africa and Asia; every year, its work benefits millions of children and their families. For 20 years, Helen Keller International has been fighting malnutrition through a programme based around staple crops, known as “Enhanced Food Production”.
Project supported: deployment of the “Enhanced Food Production” project across six new municipalities in North Vietnam.
The aim is to help women ensure food security for their families and improve the nutritional status of their children, by setting up vegetable gardens.
Conducted in partnership with the Vietnam National Institute of Nutrition, under the authority of the Vietnamese Ministry of Health, the “Enhanced Food Production” programme provides production inputs (seeds, plants, small livestock, equipment) and women receive training in agriculture, nutrition and hygiene. Once they have been given training and support, they gradually take on a more active role in their community. The vegetable gardens produce micronutrient-rich fruit and vegetables that strengthen and diversify children’s diets. The Foundation is renewing its support for this project for a second year. The grant will be used to set up three vegetable gardens, to supply food for three school canteens. Household farms will be available to 500 families and awareness workshops will be set up for mothers and teachers.
Social impact: 500 new families will be able to benefit from the programme.