United Kingdom


Founded in 2001, MAGIC BREAKFAST is a nonprofit organisation whose mission is to combat child hunger in the UK in the mornings on a long-term basis, which is key to improving their learning conditions. By serving nutritious breakfasts, the association aims to give every child the best possible chance of succeeding at school and thriving in life.

Magic Breakfast now supports over 1,000 schools in the UK, reaching over 215,000 children and young people every day at school. Its vision is that no child in the UK should have to go hungry to learn. #NoChildTooHungryToLearn

The Foundation’s support in 2022 will provide the means to award grants to around 30 schools in the UK to improve the storage, delivery and preparation of breakfasts in school canteens.

What are the project’s expected results?

In total, around 7,500 pupils will have access to a balanced breakfast every day throughout the school year.