NGOS’ testimonies

Since 2008, The Bel Foundation is happy to support this great diversity of partners in the field ; every association contributed at its level to improve the daily life of the most fragile children.

Discover their testimonies

“The Brigades Culinaires programme is changing young people’s views about diet and getting them fully involved! The young people who attend our workshops discover a new form of learning by stimulating their senses: through practical exercises led by a chef, what they learn during the 10 workshops over the year makes a longlasting impression on their relationship with food.”

Julia Colin – Director at La Tablée des Chefs

Discover the project supported in 2019 ➡️ here

“In the jungle, a school canteen can only be managed sustainably and independently if three key criteria are met: local farming (vegetable gardens, orchards) providing the majority of foodstuffs, the involvement of the pupils’ parents in the preparation of balanced meals and rigorous administrative oversight to avoid waste.”

Roger Bustin – Volunteer at Abc domino

Discover the projects supported in 2019 ➡️ here and in 2020 ➡️ here

“The well-being, health and nutrition charity B’SaN has been working for many years in Madagascar to establish stand-alone school canteens by exploiting complementary resources. After several pilot projects, we are delighted to finally see the beginnings of successful self-sufficiency. We start by identifying the success factors of a selfsufficient canteen: location near an agricultural area, involvement of the teachers and a high level of commitment by the local council, thereby creating the required local dynamics coordinated by a local expert. But above all, the involvement of the parents in the project appears to be a major success factor: by agreeing to donate a proportion of their production, they contribute to the canteen’s food requirements.”

Landy Raza – Chair of B’SaN

Discover the project supported in 2019 ➡️ here

“The creation of a school canteen improves the children’s nutrition and helps to keep them in school. It also consolidates the local farming networks and creates long-term links between rural organisations, pupils’ parents and the local councils. It is a local project with multiple benefits: producers have a regular outlet at fixed prices and the children benefit from local and high-quality produce.”

Claire Benisti – Head of Sponsorship and Corporate & Foundation Relations at AVSF

Discover the project supported in 2019 ➡️ here

The Bel Foundation has enabled us to put our expertise at the service of children’s well-being. We have been able to significantly reduce the rate of malnutrition in the Senegalese villages where Vision du Monde works. We have been fortunate to see this support reiterated for even greater impact, and we therefore wish all associations the opportunity to lead a project that contributes to the well-being of local communities in the long term.
We share the same convictions as the Foundation: every child deserves to have enough to eat and to have a balanced diet in order to grow well. The World Vision team sincerely welcomes this relevant and meaningful partnership.”

Anaïs Tricha – Program Manager – Publics Funds

“My name is Marie-Paule Tendeng and I am a nurse at the Nguer Mandakh health center in Diokoul commune, Senegal. The nutrition site is a very important element for the population. We had enormous difficulties in properly caring for malnourished children because the setting was not appropriate. Likewise, to gather pregnant women around circles of solidarity, it was very difficult for the same reasons. This resulted in a lot of absences and even dropouts. Today, we sincerely thank the Bel Foundation, because its support allowed us to succeed in our mission. The attendance rate at talk sessions with the circle of solidarity rose from 44% to 96%. And we hope to reach 100% soon. In addition, the care of malnourished children has become easier because before World Vision support, we had to store food in a village further away, then move them to each recovery center. The nutrition site also allows us to do the vaccinations correctly because we did them in the old health hut which was too small. This site is more distant and the relays will be able to carry out activities easily. We are very grateful to Vision du Monde for its support.”

Marie-Paule Tendeng – Nurse in Senegal

Discover the project supported in 2018 ➡️ here

The support of the Bel Foundation made it possible to replicate in Vietnam our Homestead Food Production. This is one of our flagship programs to combat malnutrition, with co-funding from Irish Aid and Buddhist Global Relief.After a successful pilot program from 2013 to 2016 in the Son La region, with renewed financing, we were able to expand in 2017 into the provinces of Hoa Binh and Lai Chau. These provinces located in the mountainous regions of the north of the country are particularly vulnerable. They are largely populated by ethnic minorities, where rates of anaemia and vitamin A deficiency are well above the national average.The Bel Foundation’s focus on school canteens programs also enabled us to introduce Improved Homestead Food Production in schools in these provinces.

Alix de Nicolay – General Manager of Helen Keller International

Discover the project supported in 2018 ➡️ here