Support from the Foundation has enabled the Playdagogie Nutrition programme to be deployed in France. The children can learn about a healthy and balanced diet through numerous fun activities.
The Foundation is participating in the financing of child nutrition training sessions as part of a vast programme to combat malnutrition run by ChildFund Mexico, the local partner of Un Enfant par la Main in Mexico.
The Foundation is participating in the financing of the school canteen in the fourth SOS village being built in Madagascar.
An extension to a centre for handicapped children to be used specifically for meals for the children and personnel has been started with financial support from the Foundation.
In a centre for street children in Cotonou, Benin, the Foundation’s support has enabled an area to be created where meals can be served for the children and the staff looking after them.
Committed since 2013 alongside AVSF in developing local milk in Haiti via the “Let Agogo“ network of small dairies, the Foundation is renewing its support for three dairies and the construction of a fourth one.
In partnership with Ashoka Arab World, the Foundation is supporting, for two consecutive years, the action of doctor Abla Al Alfy to combat infant malnutrition in Egypt.
With financial support from the Foundation, L’APPEL is designing a video tutorial to facilitate the distribution of its Nutricartes method on a larger scale and to propose it to new project directors.