

Since 2004, the French association Racines d’Enfance has been working exclusively in rural areas of Senegal to promote children’s education. Since its creation, it has built 12 nursery schools and provided schooling for over 8,600 children aged 2 to 7. Its aim is to help improve children’s living conditions and support them as they take their first steps towards school, so that they can integrate successfully into the primary education cycle and have a successful academic journey.

Through its work, the association also enables mothers to have free time so that they can devote themselves to developing income-generating activities.

Over the last four years, the Bel Foundation has supported Racines d’Enfance in developing canteens and vegetable gardens at these nursery schools in Senegal. In 2022, the Ivorian education authorities asked the association to replicate its pre-school model in the country, as Côte d’Ivoire has very few facilities for children in this age group.

The Foundation’s support in 2022 will provide the means to support the association in rolling out its nursery school model in Côte d’Ivoire.

What are the project’s expected results?

In total, around 100 nursery pupils will have access to one meal per day throughout the school year in the Agnibilekrou region. Click here to know more about this school.

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